Nye bøker innenfor biblioteksfag
Her er en liste over bøker som er bestilt innenfor biblioteksfag i 2011 (og litt inn i 2012).
101 ideas for successful library management
A social history of knowledge II
ALA glossary of library and information science
Bibliometrics and citation analysis
Bokens materialitet
Book repair
Change of state
Collection development in the digital age
Critical theory for library and information science
Demystifying the Institutional Repository for Success
Digital libraries and information access research perspectives
Digital Rubbish
Embedded librarians : moving beyond one-shot instruction
Encyclopedia of library history
Envisioning future academic library services
Evaluating the impact of your library
Facilitating access to the web of data
Getting started with cloud computing
Harrod’s librarians’ glossary and reference book
Indexing : from thesauri to the semantic web
Information obesity
Information representation and retrieval in the digital age
Introduction to digital library management
Introduction to modern information retrieval
Kataloger og katalogisering
Knowledge management : an introduction
Knowledge management in theory and practice
Leading change
Learning at the library
Librarianship an introduction
Libraries for users
Library and Information Science in Developing Countries
Library collection development policies
Linked Data
Making a difference leadership in academic libraries
Managing Intellectual Capital in Libraries
Managing Your Library and its Quality
Marketing strategies for digital repositories
Mentoring in librarianship
Modern information retrieval
Next-gen library catalogs
No shelf required
Nye vidensmedier
Oplysningens blinde vinkler
Opplysning, vitenskap og nasjon eks 2
Paper Machines
Parents of invention
Practical research methods
Qualitative research and the modern library
Reading and writing the electronic book
Reading communities from salons to cyberspace
Shaping the future
Social media marketing
Strategic Business Development for Information Centres and Libraries
Subject Specialists in the 21st Century Library
The Atlas of new librarianship
The Data deluge
The Fourth paradigm
The Google generation
The Googlization of everything
The Library marketing toolkit
The Master switch
The No-nonsense guide to training in libraries
Transforming research libraries for the global knowledge society
University Libraries and digital learning environments
Working in the Virtual Stacks
Send gjerne kommentarer eller innkjøpsforslag til aud.gjersdal@uw.uib.no
(eller via kommentarfeltet i bloggen)
Kunnskap – samlinger – mennesker: Universitetsbiblioteket og forskningen gjennom 200 år (UBO 2011)
På vandring : medisinsk avdeling av Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo ved 200-årsjubiléet 2011.
MedLibTrain : become a better teacher of health information skills.
Denne kanskje (finnes på hele tre avd v UBB):
The filter bubble : what the internet is hiding from you